Philips MG7745/15 Multigroom Series 7000

Price making order online: 85.00

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Delivery: 0-3 working days
“GoStation” warranty – 2 years
Manufacturer: Manufacturer: Philips
Model: Model: MG7745/15
Color: Working time: 180min.
Used for: beard, hair, body

4 in stock

Short description: This universal hair trimmer has advanced DualCut technology for maximum precision. It features dual blades and is designed to be as sharp as day 1. The Philips Multigroom 7000 all-in-one hair trimmer has 14 attachments that provide a full-body grooming solution. MG7745/15 differs from MG7720/15 in the operating time, where MG7745/15 works up to 180min. but MG7720/15 up to 120 min..